
Source code for quaterion.loss.circle_loss

from typing import Optional

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import LongTensor, Tensor

from quaterion.distances import Distance
from quaterion.loss.group_loss import GroupLoss
from quaterion.utils import get_anchor_negative_mask, get_anchor_positive_mask

[docs]class CircleLoss(GroupLoss): """Implements Circle Loss as defined in Args: margin: Margin value to push negative examples. scale_factor: scale factor γ determines the largest scale of each similarity score. Note: Refer to sections 4.1 and 4.5 in the paper for default values and evaluation of margin and scaling_factor hyperparameters. """ def __init__( self, margin: Optional[float] = 0.25, scale_factor: Optional[float] = 256, distance_metric_name: Optional[Distance] = Distance.COSINE, ): super(GroupLoss, self).__init__(distance_metric_name=distance_metric_name) self.margin = margin self.scale_factor = scale_factor self.op = 1 + self.margin self.on = -self.margin self.delta_positive = 1 - self.margin self.delta_negative = self.margin
[docs] def forward( self, embeddings: Tensor, groups: LongTensor, ) -> Tensor: """Compute loss value. Args: embeddings: shape: (batch_size, vector_length) - Batch of embeddings. groups: shape: (batch_size,) - Batch of labels associated with `embeddings` Returns: Tensor: Scalar loss value. """ # Shape: (batch_size, batch_size) similarity_matrix = self.distance_metric.similarity_matrix(embeddings) # Shape: (batch_size * batch_size,) similarity_matrix = torch.reshape(similarity_matrix, [-1]) # Shape: (batch_size, batch_size) pos_mask = get_anchor_positive_mask(groups, groups).triu(diagonal=1) # Shape: (batch_size, batch_size) neg_mask = get_anchor_negative_mask(groups, groups).triu(diagonal=1) # Shape: (batch_size * batch_size,) pos_mask = torch.reshape(pos_mask, [-1]) # Shape: (batch_size * batch_size,) neg_mask = torch.reshape(neg_mask, [-1]) sp = similarity_matrix[pos_mask] sn = similarity_matrix[neg_mask] # get alpha-positive and alpha-negative weights as described in ap = torch.clamp_min(self.op + sp.detach(), min=0) an = torch.clamp_min(self.on + sn.detach(), min=0) exp_p = -ap * self.scale_factor * (sp - self.delta_positive) exp_n = an * self.scale_factor * (sn - self.delta_negative) circle_loss = F.softplus( torch.logsumexp(exp_n, dim=0) + torch.logsumexp(exp_p, dim=0) ) return circle_loss


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